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Author Services

I am excited to work with the indie book community and help authors get their creative works out to the world. 

With years of experience, every project will receive multiple meticulous read-throughs looking for not just typical editing errors, but small inconsistencies not immediately noticed.


I offer a free consult and a small-fee sample edit before any editing commitments are made to ensure your satisfaction.


Currently, I offer three types of editing services:
A) Copy / Line / Mechanical Edit

B) Development / Content / Substantive Edit

C) Proofreading Edit

Additional Author Services:

- Rush Service

- Beta Reading

- Audiobook Proofing

- Blurb / Summary / Synopsis Writing

- Quote Pulling / Trope Categorizing

- Teaser Graphics

All editing services come with notes, content support, professional feedback, and light cheerleading.

Please fill out this form to get started:  


*** Please note - all scheduled edits become RUSH SERVICE (time and a half cost) if manuscripts are delivered later than 48 hours from the agreed-upon date, and are subject to rescheduling or cancellation if later than 36 hours. 

BookishB's preference is to have all manuscripts delivered at least the Sunday before they are due to be edited. Thank you!


Editing Inquiry Intake Form & Sample

Before any new project, I require my editing inquiry intake form to be filled out and prefer to perform a sample edit. This helps me get to know you and your project, helps us both see if we are a good fit for each other, makes me aware of your editing needs, and for you to see if you like my work. For just $25, you simply fill out the Google contact form and send the first chapter of your manuscript. The sample will be conducted in the service manner you have chosen. 
(If we decide to move forward together, $25 will be deducted from your total invoice, so you will not pay twice for previous words edited).


Copy / Line / Mechanical Edit

This service is an in-depth, line-by-line edit, offering correctness, clarity, coherency, and consistency. This edit focuses on:
  • Spelling
  • Grammar
  • Punctuation
  • POV/Tense
  • Subject-verb Agreement
  • Assessing Article Usage
  • Eliminates Excessive Passive Voice
  • Eliminates Unnecessary Prepositions
  • Examines Unneeded Demonstrative Determiners
  • Checks for Correct Dialog Tags
  • Points out over repeated words/phrases with suggested changes
  • Consistency & continuity (in language, lore, characters, & plot)
  • Sentence rewrite suggestions (when necessary and notated) 
As a BONUS - I highlight marketable quotes and leave encouraging/hype-woman comments along the way (if you'd like).

For the low flat rate of $0.007 per word, so 50,000k manuscript would = $350 (approximately 2-3 week turnaround based on word count)
A **refundable $50 deposit will be needed to secure an editing date. The deposit will be credited toward the amount due for your full edit. 
**The deposit is forfeited if less than one-week cancellation is given. BookishB is then free to schedule another edit in your slot when possible.


Developmental / Content / Substantive Edit

This service is to help authors focus on the "big picture" and would be generally booked after your first self-edit, but well before your publishing date as to leave room for your adjustments after this edit and copy editing/proofreading after that. 
This service focuses on your main ideas, structure, narrative, major plot points, characters, your strengths and weaknesses, focusing on:
  • Does your writing fit your intended audience?
  • Assessing plot and character development
  • Time line/ Pacing
  • Offering engaging thoughts and potential solutions to areas that need expansion and strengthening as a jump off point for you to work from.
*This service does not look at spelling, grammar, and punctuation.
 - I highlight marketable quotes and leave encouraging/hype-woman comments along the way (if you'd like).
For the low flat rate of $0.0045 per word, so 50,000k manuscript would = $225. (approximately 1-2 week turnaround based on word count)
A **refundable $50 deposit will be required to secure an editing date. The deposit will be credited toward the amount due for your full edit.  
**The deposit is forfeited if less than one-week cancellation is given. BookishB is then free to schedule another edit in your slot when possible.


Proofreading Edit

This service should be the last stop in your editing process and utilizes my eagle eyes to find final errors before publishing.
This is not an in-depth, nuanced copy/line edit and focuses on:
  • Spelling
  • Punctuation
  • Missing Words
  • Glaring/Obvious errors
  • Consistency/Continuity (in lore, characters, and plot)
​ I will still highlight marketable quotes and leave encouraging/hype-woman comments along the way (if you'd like).

For the low flat rate of $0.005 per word, so 50,000k manuscript would = $250 (approximately 1 week turnaround based on word count)
A **refundable $50 deposit will be needed to secure a date. The deposit will be credited toward the amount due for your edit. 
**The deposit is forfeited if less than one-week cancellation is given. BookishB is then free to schedule another edit in your slot when possible.


Author Services

[ ] Alpha / Beta Reading: I know this is often a service many can get for free. However, I feel the value one gets out of using an experienced developmental editor to do this reading makes this a worthwhile service. I will provide notes/feelings/suggestions on plots, pacing, characters, your initial hook, if your story stayed engaging the whole time, and if your ending was strong. This will not just be an "I loved it, it was great" kind of feedback, but a well thought out opinion. $50 for under 100k words, $75 for more than 100k words.
[ ] Rush Service: Half the time of the average quoted editing time.
[ ] Audiobook Proofing: 
$18/hour to listen to your book and read along with the physical copy to ensure accuracy, consistency, correct pronunciation, and quality of audio submissions. An 8 hour book would be $144. 
[ ] Blurb / Summary / Synopsis Writing: I will create a blurb from what I read during the editing process. We can go through two rounds of corrections before the final draft. I offer this as an "add-on" for $35. I prefer to only write blurbs for works I have read to maintain accuracy for your work. However, if you should need a blurb for a different book I will be more than happy to accommodate you by using a book/series description and rough draft teaser from you.
[ ] Teaser Quote / Hook Pulling: For books that did not get edited by me (since I do this as a courtesy during the editing process) I will read your book and highlight several entertaining, marketable quotes for you to use in teasers. Hooks will be compiled in a document with quote and teaser ideas. $50 for less than 100k words, $90 more than 100k words. 
[ ] Coming Soon: Check this page often as I frequently ask for feedback and take requests for services to better serve authors. 



I have a dedicated page on my website that lists all the authors who have used my services with website links to their pages. Links to specific books edited are sent out in my end of the month newsletter. I provide 4 to 5-star reviews on Amazon for books I have edited within a month of their release. 

* Reviews on Amazon will always be given regardless of genre/spice/etc as well as listing on my website. Additional promotion is up to my discretion. Exceptions to social media promotion would include dark romance books, rh/why choose, graphic abuse, especially spicy novels, and basically anything that would make me feel horrible if my 10-year-old niece or pastor saw it on my Facebook page (professional or not).



Consistent, repeat business is important to me. I am a one woman show that would like to edit books full time. If you thought I was an adept and effective editor, the biggest compliment you could give me is to book me again and/or refer a new author to me. As a reward for doing so, I will give 10% off your next manuscript to be edited by me if that author works with me to edit their next book and doesn’t cancel. Additionally, if you continue to use me as your editor, I will offer 10% off each and every time you book me to edit your next book. And YES if the stars line up and you referred me and have another project for me you could end up with 20% off one of your manuscripts!
  • 10% off referral bonus
  • 10% off consistency bonus
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